Reply To: Is there a tactful way to say Shadchan prefers money?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Is there a tactful way to say Shadchan prefers money? Reply To: Is there a tactful way to say Shadchan prefers money?


Daas Yachid, I would tend to believe that most people do not think it is ever a good ideas to hire someone for any service without having at least a ballpark figure idea of what it will cost them. I don’t care WHAT the service is. And I seriously doubt that Halacha expects people to fork over “the going rate” for said service, if it might impoverish them. Lest you think that is hyperbole on my part, I assure you that were I to need to pay $1,000-$2,000 per child to a shadchan today, I would not be able to do so. So I guess my daughters will have to find some other way to meet their basherter.