Reply To: Is there a tactful way to say Shadchan prefers money?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Is there a tactful way to say Shadchan prefers money? Reply To: Is there a tactful way to say Shadchan prefers money?


I’m simply suggesting a obvious reason as to why we don’t have sufficient edcuators, and a reasonable course of action how to rectify it. “

And I respectfully disagree with that statement. I do not agree that we have insufficient numbers of educators (good ones may be in short supply, but there is no lack of bochurim intending to go that route). What you are saying is not likely, because so many bochurim believe that this is what they will be when the finish kollel. Ask Kollel boys what their plan is for the future. So many will say “Chinuch.”

As to shadchanim. There is no lack of shadchanim either. Everyone and his second cousin think they can be a shadchan (they are mistaken). A lack of GOOD shadchanim – well that is another story entirely. I agree there. BTW, I have no chashash on your temimus in this area, AZ. I believe you speak from the heart and try really hard to do the best for your clients as you can. I just do not agree with some of your opinions.