Reply To: Women Wearing Costumes on Purim?

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I wish people would stop being such straight arrows ONE day of the year” (oomis)

Purim is not a day off from Yiddishkeit and keeping the Torah even if you wish it was.


There is a difference between following halacha and being a straight arrow. I think you misunderstood Oomis’ point. (SJS)

Sjs was right, and Flatbush, you absolutely DID misunderstand my point. NOBODY myself included, suggested taking a day off from Yiddishkeit. But clearly your idea of what constitutes simchas Purim and Yiddishkeit, differs greatly from mine. I think you would benefit from chilling out a little and realizing that being a frum Jew does not mean we have to be dour, stern-faced, latter-day Puritans who do not know how to have fun anymore. When did the Torah command us to allow ONLY the men to enjoy yom tov? Is it not enough that we women do most if not all the work in preparing for Purim, both in terms of the seudah and the shalach manos? Should we have NOTHING for ourselves that makes us feel the simcha of the day? I personally do NOT dress in costume, because I am not comfortable enough to do so. On a day when EVERYONE is dressed crazy and brightly, I guarantee you that a women in a tzniusdig outfit that happens to be a costume, will no more stick out than they do. Try to be less judgmental. Maybe Hashem thinks YOU’RE out of line. Women are just as michuyavos in the mitzvos of Purim as men are. Worry more about the drunken fools acting untzniusdigly. That’s far more likely than the women being untzniusdig.