Reply To: Women Wearing Costumes on Purim?

Home Forums Yom Tov Purim Women Wearing Costumes on Purim? Reply To: Women Wearing Costumes on Purim?


“Flatbush, if people are lax about wearing untznius costumes, then its not really the COSTUME thats the issue, just the untznius part.

If a woman is dressed totally tzanuah, and a man is attracted to her, that is the man’s issue. If a woman is dressed untzniusdigly, the issue is still the man’s. The woman is punished for her part of the sin, but it still doesnt excuse the behavior of the man”

sjs, they will both be punished. i never said otherwise. i think the only thing we disagree on is if a tznius costume worn by a woman on purim attracts attention

. i think i does, whick makes it a problem. you dont. correct me if im wrong