Reply To: Women Wearing Costumes on Purim?

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chanie: on the black issue. your right. i asked my rav a couple months ago why people here wear more black and that is the reason he gave me. as you said i am sure ppl argue on this but that is what my rav told me.

on mitzvas and minhagos, men have their own, women have their own and of course there are those that apply to both. my rav told me it is not tznius for a girl over bas mitzva to walk around publicly wearing a costume. he also told me the mitzva of drinking by the seuda is only by men and said some shittas hold its assur for a woman to get drunk. there are so many areas of Purim where the woman is involved that i think its unnecessary for her to wear a costume to get in the spirit of Purim. why do you feel the need dress up on Purim?