Reply To: Women Wearing Costumes on Purim?

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Flatbush, there are rabbonim who believe it it untzniusdig for a woman to wear a shaitel without a hat atop it. They also believe that it is wrong for a woman to wear stockings without seams (even if dark), because then it appears as though the legs are uncovered. The women who follow the shittos of those rabbonim, by all means should always do what they say. I am not one of their followers, my rov holds differently, and as long as my rov has no issues with my behavior being untzniusdig, I will allow my poseik to determine what I should or should not do in matters of halacha. And I do not wear costumes, but it has nothing to do with tznius, it is simply my personal preference.

Sometimes I feel as though there are some posters here who are trying to “convert” some of us, because they absolutely KNOW that they alone have the universal truth. To be frank, it has the opposite effect, and chalilah could drive someone away if that person is wavering in his or her commitment to Torah. An opinion can always be expressed in a mature, NON-JUDGMENTAL way, but I don’t see that being the case at times here. Those of us who believe more in following the shvil hazahav, do not see eye to eye with fire and brimstone preachers. And we probably never will. I can appreciate and respect your point of view on most issues while disagreeing with it, but the sad fact is that some of you do not extend the same courtesy to the rest of us, and you come across as strident at times.