Reply To: Pesach – Staying Home vs. Going Away

Home Forums Yom Tov Pesach Pesach – Staying Home vs. Going Away Reply To: Pesach – Staying Home vs. Going Away


One thing I don’t understand about all these debates (or maybe we could call them fights) is different things are good for different people and each person needs to do what’s best for them. As the Noam Elimelch’s brother REb Zushia used to say, “in shamyim they won’t ask me why I wasn’t moshe rabenu they will ask me why I wasn’t reb zushia”

I have a very wise teacher who said, taking advice is like shopping for clothing, you go into the store, you pick something out and you try it on, if it fits you, and the price is right for you, you buy it if not you put it back on the rack and leave.

What do I care if some one else is going away for pesach and I am staying home? Maybe that’s what’s good for them

and why should I care if I am going away for pesach and people who are jelous and can’t afford it slander the idea and kashrus of the place