Reply To: Brainwashing as Part of Chinuch

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writersoul -“But either way, if you argue that people who don’t want to be brainwashed in BYs just won’t end up brainwashed, then why can’t you say the same about college?”

You can.

“If it’s all about what kind of an education you’re expecting, then that’s what YU was made for (or Sarah Schenirer or TTI, if you prefer). The key is not to do something unless you have a reasonable idea of what might or might not result.”

The problem with college brainwashing is it’s dishonest and immoral. The fact that you need a well rounded education for a degree is why they insist on courses like English. But this is not needed for the Major -if it’s a science major. But now to subject you to skewed courses based on s/o’s opinion is disgusting. It doesn’t matter if this opinion is lib left which I disagree with or even if it’s an opinion I agree with, like Conservative views -this should not be part of the course.