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Health: They can’t find any Mitzvos where they are Mechuyav in? Here’s one that they are – go to a hospital or nursing home and help feed the patients. You can even find enough Frum ladies that need this that you can be busy with this 24/7.
I’m sick of these Women’s libs and then covering it up with religiousity!”
Or help some needy family with housework and/or childrearing.
GAW: The Torah is “chauvinistic”. This idea of housework over mitzvos is the very reason why women are Patur from Mitzvos Aseh Shehazman Grama. Ask not on the post, but on G-d Himself.
GAW: The reason a woman is not obligated in time bound mitzvos is because of her own familial obligations. It isn’t because she is obligated to do chesed outside her home. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I never heard that women are more mechuyav in doing chessed outside the home than men are.
Health: A woman is allowed to decide what mitzvah to do (supposing as you stated if her learning is indeed a mitzvah). No, she doesn’t have to instead go to a nursing home to feed elderly instead, or go help others with housework. When was the last time you did that? And don’t tell me that you are required to learn, so you need not do those mitzvos. You spend a lot of time online, is it not more important to do such chessed?
You can’t curl up with a Gemmora like you do with a book.
If a woman wants to learn gemorah (provided she is allowed to), then she can indeed learn after she fills her other obligations, even if it’s late at night, or maybe on Shabbos, or whenever it is she finds the time.
Why if a woman goes bowling, swimming, or other activity, it’s all fine, but if she decides to learn Torah Shebal Peh (provided she’s allowed to), it all of the sudden becomes, she should find another mitzvah to do instead?
I read in the sefer “Halichos Bas Yisroel”, that if a woman wants to learn from her own will, she is allowed to.
The father of R’ Shalom Shwadron, who was the son of the Maharshal, told his wife (the mother of R’ Shalom), you do so much for me, tell me how I can show my appreciation. She responded that he should learn with her gemarah. He told her, the gemorah says he can’t do that, but he will learn out loud so that she can hear his learning, and this way she will also be learning. So you see, very chashuva women can also have a great desire to learn gemorah. It has nothing to do with feminism. R’ Shalom stated that his mother dabbled in Torah Shebaal Peh (taking from the book “voice of truth”).