Reply To: How to answer questions regarding a shidduch

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Your response was far more aggressive than my simple question. Although belittling and spouting ad hominem attacks at those who sincerely inquire seems to be the go-to responses on these forums, the fact is that neither of those methods actually answer the question. I’m still waiting for a source: if you’ve “given this shiur to every MO,” then it shouldn’t be difficult for you to copy and paste your sources or pull them from memory.

“Minhag yisrael torah” cannot be used to mask lack of actual knowledge and sources – that kind of intellectual laziness leads to the deterioration of actual reasoning/sourcing, with the inevitable conclusion that our glorious religion becomes deteriorated to mere rote. If you don’t know why you do something, say so, and be willing to engage in honest discussion. If you want to continue doing something even after you realize that you don’t know why you do it, that’s fine, but don’t act like you do.

Honestly, I’m surprised that what I’m saying is shocking to some. Don’t your actions ring hollow if you have no idea what they mean and why you are doing them? If you are truly satisfied with “for all I know the source might be kabbalah,” I’m not sure what to tell you.