Reply To: For PF to Vicariously Rant Endlessly About the Over-Emphasis of Iyun through PAA

Home Forums Bais Medrash For PF to Vicariously Rant Endlessly About the Over-Emphasis of Iyun through PAA Reply To: For PF to Vicariously Rant Endlessly About the Over-Emphasis of Iyun through PAA

Patur Aval Assur


1.The Oker Harim of the Gemara is someone who has broad bekius, but his specialty is oker harim as opposed to knowing by heart every single statement ever made.

2.I already mentioned earlier in this thread that this is a machlokes between the Pri Megadim and R’Shlomo Kluger (although they were not quite discussing electronic resources)

3.I agree that they are probably trying to make it geshmak. But I wouldn’t quite call it an eis laasos. With the proper guidance and motivation, it can be done.

4&5.It’s not a question of extremes. What the Maharal, Orchos Tzadikim, R’ Shach etc. were lamenting (read their actual words, they are literally crying that Torah will be forgotten this way) was the primary focus on iyun before attaining knowledge of shas (and also that sometimes the methods of iyun are pilpulim shel sheker). Everyone agrees that at some point you have to delve deeply into Torah and know how to be medameh milsa l’milsa and be mechadesh answers – but it has to be at the right time and using proper methods of Torah study.