Reply To: For PF to Vicariously Rant Endlessly About the Over-Emphasis of Iyun through PAA

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from what i have heard from people who know more than me is that it isn’t yiun is better than bekius or that bekius is better that yiun rather every one has a chelek in torah and H’ made it so that i am natuarally attracted to say… halacha so to me i should focus more on halacha. that being said i read in the book “in their shadow” (thats what i think its called) that the chazon ish held everyone has to do yiun.

a lot of this quotes that say things about “pilpul” it isn’t what we call pilpul rather a much more complicated probably not emesdik way to learn that people just did to sharpen their minds. not because they thought it was emes but because it would make them sharp R’ Yaakov Pollak took this type of learning to poland i don’t know how many 100s of years ago