Reply To: #modern Yeshivish

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee #modern Yeshivish Reply To: #modern Yeshivish


I didn’t have time to read this whole thread, but I can say for myself that I have spoken over the past year to at least fifty shadchanim, I have been given 25 different guys for suggestions and ultimately, I realized that none of their hashkafos, which ranged from modern orthodox to lubavitch suited my hashkafos. So I ended up looking into some stuff and I recently figured it out.

Everyone has their own religious struggles/ areas of weakness no matter who you choose to affiliate with. I am still very frum but I have found that for many people farther to the right because I come across when I speak as someone with a significant amount of secular education (as in, even though I am very frum- I could never do a TTI degree because such a degree would not satisfy my intellectual craving) so people would often suggest guys more modern.

*If you are struggling to get hashkafic clarity but have an idea that you think may interest you, perhaps trying to find someone who does not know you well enough to have a personal bias in their direction may be an appropriate route to go.*