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first of all- i do apologize, i do not remember the source. i just remember this idea being ingrained in us in high school.

2)i did say it was not halacha, i was just trying to show that we do change things because of yeridas hadoros. you must have missed that part.

3)no i cannot think of one right now. give me time.

4)ok- i hear that they do not say its because things changed. i was just saying that in this case with getting drunk, i can hear it making sense that it could be a possibility. And i was not calling the sefarim or chazal backwards chas v’shalom! i was calling the ppl who misinterpret it backwards. in fact, my father just read to me straight out of the kitzur shulchan aruch, siman 142, s’if 6 that one should get drunk to the point where he does not know the difference between arur haman and baruch mordechai. BUT, it explicitly points out that if this will cause a person to compromise on his doing the mitzvos hayom and it will compromise on his tefilla or brachos… and it will cause him to act with frivolity… one should NOT drink the wine. it says (a little before that) that if a person cannot drink enough to confuse them of the difference between arur haman and baruch mordechai, he should at least drink a little more than he is used to, and then go to sleep, b/c while sleeping, he also does not know the difference.

and also, to reiterate what i said before, about my father and his rov not getting drunk- the rov actually has a rule in his shul against getting drunk, and he actually throws ppl out of the shul if they come in drunk.

and with that, i am going to bed. i am so tired and i, of course, as well as most other ppl 🙂 have quite a busy week. we will have to continue this conversation another time. gnite all!