Reply To: drinking on purim, teaching kids?

Home Forums Yom Tov Purim drinking on purim, teaching kids? Reply To: drinking on purim, teaching kids?


Are you too busy to listen to the Megilah? Or give shalach manos?

Oh, please.

Firstly, I don’t believe that getting drunk is a mitzvah equal to the other mitzvos of the day. So, the other mitzvos (such as the ones you mentioned) take precedence. In addition, I believe the mitzvah of davening Ma’ariv (in a sober state) also takes precedence.

In addition, I don’t really wish to discuss it here, but suffice to say, I’m sure that if you ask any rav to decide whether I should get drunk on Purim or engage in the activities that I do that they would say that I should engage in my activities rather than get drunk.

You’re under no obligation to believe me, of course… but I’m also under no obligation to listen to you. 🙂

The Wolf