Reply To: drinking on purim, teaching kids?

Home Forums Yom Tov Purim drinking on purim, teaching kids? Reply To: drinking on purim, teaching kids?


I tried searching for a thread that was on here around Purim time but couldn’t find it. But maybe some of you remember reading it. It was written by a bochur telling his story of what happened to him last year. He was going around collecting for his yeshiva. At each house he had some drinks. He didn’t even realize he was getting drunk. In fact he thought he was really holding his liquor well… until he passed out. When he awoke, he was in the hospital. His mother crying and his father saying Tehilim. Bottom line – the doctors told him he was very lucky to have survived. Had he not been brought to the hospital when he was, he would have chas v’shalom died. He wrote his story as a warning to others. NOW IF THAT’S NOT A WAKE UP CALL FOR ALL OF YOU WHO ADVOCATE GETTING SO WASTED, THEN THERE’S NOTHING ELSE TO SAY TO YOU..

Wolf – the thread that was recently started about you was well deserved. You really post with seichel.