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Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Why do YOU want Moshiach to come? Reply To: Why do YOU want Moshiach to come?


yes, the-art-of-moi, its basically my question. altho i admit i’m wrong, and a hypocrite also, because i do pray for my life to be easier, which could also mean less reward, but then again it’s not less reward cuz i get the schar of bitachon and praying to G-d and that’s what G-d wants, us to pray for help.

but basically, what is death? death means you can’t do mitzvahs any more and you get your reward, and if a person dies pure then death is very good for them, they go to the soul world and experience pleasure infinitely greater than anything and everything in this physical realm. unfortunately they can’t do any more mitzvot (and i do believe that G-d gives us the time we need to either reach perfection, or reach a point that we refuse to grow further and G-d knows that more life won’t accomplish anything, after all G-d is the ultimate giver, he doesn’t do anybody any wrong by taking lives early)

now when moshiach comes, and we can’t grow further, how is that different than death? seriously. life is the time to work and grow and death is the time to enjoy what was earned. moshiach time, if it’s all about enjoying reward, and no growth, isn’t that death? i do live for Olam Haba, but i don’t pray to go there while i can, and still need to accomplish in Olam Hazeh so my Olam Haba can be perfect. i mean i dunno know about you, but i wanna be up there with Moshe Rabbeinu and Dovid HaMelech, and the rest of Chazal and all the holy Tzaddikim. and anyone who doesn’t want to be at the top of Olam Haba it’s not because they’ve conquered their ego or desire for reward and pleasure, it’s the opposite, it’s because they’re spiritual small and physical, but ya know it’s something to work on.