Reply To: Good Forwards (Emails)

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nameless, though the intent of this apocryphal story is clear, and teaches a TRULY nice piece of mussar, I doubt such a thing ever happened. First of all, it is probably illegal to even MENTION religion in a job interview (in the context in which it was stated, and possibly illegal to even ask someone if he is Jewish), and no intelligent CEO would refuse to hire a competent person because he was not “loyal” to his religion. If that same boss wanted him to work on Shabbos, he would get very upset when the employee started to explain why he couldn’t do so. And a boss who would extrapolate from the desire to appear neat for a job interview, that a person’s future loyalty to a company would be questionable, is just ridiculous and should not be in a position of authority. More important – is one even allowed to arrange for an interview of this type during the Nine Days?