Reply To: Is Aliyah a wise choice in the nuclear age?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Is Aliyah a wise choice in the nuclear age? Reply To: Is Aliyah a wise choice in the nuclear age?


It really amuses me people sit in America and fret over the matzav of us poor nebachs in Eretz Yisrael. Even if G-d forbid Iran were to nuke us, don’t you think America would be the next target 2 seconds later? As Bibi has stated – they don’t need ICBMs to hit Israel, those bad boys are for reaching America. Plus there have been documented incidents of Mexican drug cartels working with Hezbollah, Iran’s Lebanese proxy. They don’t even need to shoot it over, they can just shlep it across the border amongst the several hundreds-thousands of illegals Obama lets over every day.

Whoever said Israel’s economy stinkss because the rate is roughly 4 shekels to the dollar doesn’t understand the significance of exchange rates. Japan has the 3rd largest economy in the world and the Yen trades at over 100 to the dollar.

The Rebbe miSatmar himself lived in Eretz Yisrael for a while after the war and at one point was considering making permanent aliyah but decided to go back to the states due to the responsibility he felt to his large amount of chassidim still living in America (as per an English biography I have on him).

B’kitzur, I can’t stand the government but I love living in this land and raising my children here (especially not having to dole out $10,000 or more per kid annually in school fees). If G-d forbid it all goes away in one big nuclear flash then that’s Hashem’s cheshbon, not mine. At least I’ll have died living the life I love without fear and get a free ticket to olam haba dying al kiddush Hashem.
