Reply To: Daas Torah

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Patur Aval Assur

“I can guarantee you that R’ Avigdor Miller could back up his approach with a mehalach in the relevant sugyos on Shas, as could those who disagree with him. But to dismiss it because there’s no explicit mekor in Shas would be ridiculous.”

Let’s not forget that the impetus for this thread was a comment which utterly dismissed the position of “those who disagree with him”. And I quote from the thread entitled For Pulsing Flower to Vicariously Rant about Iyun Through PAA:

Patur Aval Assur said “If you want to talk about Daas Torah, we should probably start a new thread.”

the plumber responded “There is no possible discussion for daas torah, it is right, if you don’t believe that, I don’t know what to tell you.”