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moish – nope. That’s not what our Chazal teach us. It is better to visit the throne room.

There is a related story with the Chofetz Chaim. A man came and bought all of his seforim, except for one – the sefer on Shmiras Halashon. The Chofetz Chaim asked him why he didn’t buy that one. The man replied that he had absolutely no chance of keeping even the smallest measure of what is in that sefer. The Chofetz Chaim replied that if he learns the entire sefer, and he is completely unaffected, but at the end of it he thinks for a second “Oy!”, it was worth it.

Another story (though I forget the Rebbe in the story, I’m sure someone later will add the name):

A certain Rebbe saw a man at the tisch eating heartily. But before every bite (or plateful, whatever) he would call out “Likovod Shabbos!”. The Rebbe thought to himself, what a faker. He’s eating Likovod der boich (stomach)! In his later years, the Rebbe had a thought of regret. He said imagine after I die, Hashem asks me if everything I ate on Shabbos was Likovod Shabbos. What will I say? No, but at least I wasn’t a FAKER like that guy! That’s not going to win any points.

Be a faker! Be a hypocrite! It’s better than being less that one!

On a more mundane note, a quote which you probably will not like is “Do, and you shall be”.