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1)”Time and time again on this board when certain kannaim come out of the woodwork”

I find it fascinating that you feel that someone who follows the rulings of the Poskim instead of relying on what “he (or she) thinks” is right is a “kanoi”.

2)”These kannaim worship a very angry G-d. One who created the world and gave the Torah with so many details davka designed to trip up people so he can give himself the supreme pleasure of punishing them in all kinds of sadistic ways.”

Hashem is not trying to “trip up” anybody, nor are myself or any others. The issues arise when someone innocently brings up a halachic point that is INCONVENIENT & suddenly all the “moderates” come out of the woodwork & start reffering to “kannoim” & “chumros”. Basically, any halacha they are not interested in keeping needs a “source” (even though a bunch of people say they saw it inside. BTW the sefer is nikiyos v’kavod b’tfilla pg. 90 footnote 5 & pg. 182 Q. 112 – now you’re happy?) & certainly there are “other opinions”.

3)”I and others here have been the target many times of this behavior”

Unlike yhose who stick up for the halacha who are always treated with the utmost respect.

4)”In addition, the silliest thing of all, is that those same commentors who accused you of posting without sources, were davka the ones who said the whole issue is “Self-intuitive”, and who seconded that notion, i.e., based merely on their own feelings without any halachic backing.”

A)The self intuitive comment was made sarcastically toward an earlier poster for those who didn’t notice.

B)Halachic backing had already been provided.

5)”The Mishna Berurah’s chumra appears to be based on the styles of his times which were different than in the Mechaber’s times.”

For those who didn’t notice R’ Elyasiv & R’Shlomo Zalman hold that one should not miss tefilla b’tzibbur to wear a hat as opposed to R’ Chaim – Clearly, all three are of the opinion that “The Mishna Berurah’s chumra” still applies today.

Mind you,the big “maikel”, the Tzitz Eliezer (brought in ishei yisroel for those who need a “source”) who entertains the idea that “efsher” (his word) nowadays a hat is not required, states that even if this is so, one would be obligated a “special” yarmulka to be used just for davening.

6)”One last thought, if Reb Chaim Kanievsky did say one should miss minyan, I would expect a teshuvah with at least six paragraphs…..If such a six-paragraph teshuvah exists I will (figuratively) eat my hat.

Bli”n I’ll let R’ Chaim know that pushetah yid from the YWN CR thought of six brilliant, ingenious taynas on his psak from his recliner which R’ Chaim was obviously to dumb to think of on his own & I’m sure after I let him know he’ll issue a public retraction in the Yated.

7)”embarrassing someone in public is far worse than never wearing a hat once in one’s entire life.”

When someone acts like a clown in public they should not be offended when people laugh at them.