Reply To: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan

Home Forums Bais Medrash Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan Reply To: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan


areivim and ames: you verbalized exactly what I’ve been thinking/feeling.

moish: your conversation with ICOT (regarding the edited comment) proves that deep down you DO care, even though you may not realize it just yet. and regardless of your feelings and impressions now, you will not remain 16 for the rest of your life, and maybe not today, but I do believe that one day, you will return on your own, not because of any sort of force or because of someones convincing, but because you yourself realize how special it is to have a relationship with HKB”H and how much happiness it adds to your daily life.