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moish- do whatever you want… that’s what you want me to finally say- right? To give up on you. Well guess what buster- I’m not giving up no matter how mad you make me with your “back to fiiiiirst base” questions. You shrug your shoulder, I daven harder.

Get it? I CARE, I CARE, I CARE. Get that into your stubborn (and brilliant) head. And stop fighting all the wrong demons. We’re not “out to get you”. See this for what it is and stop fooling yourself. The only person you’re kidding is yourself

I hate typing, and you’re making me do that very often lately. Just for you… I get nothing out of this.

I’m sorry I can’t provide all the answers- but they’re out there (unlike other faiths). First get on track and I believe once you have the right perspective, most of your questions will fall into place.