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choppy: Source please?

The Hunter: However big of a nisayon it is not to look, for some of us it’s at least as intense a nisayon to not dress that way. Depending on the female, it’s sometimes harder for us.

WIY: “A girl who is not covering her knees very likely watches movies and reads magazines”

Sweetheart, it’s two different struggles. Maybe that’s true for some, but there are many girls who feel they have better things to do with their time then watch movies and read magazines because they are obsessed with chessed, they just have a very difficult time conforming to your view of halachic tzniut. On the flipside, there are also many girls who watch movies and do dress tzanua. So they are clearly unrelated.

Everyone: It’s very easy to have nailed a mitzva and then brand everyone who has not yet conquered the mitzva as a ‘goy’. Everyone has an obligation to elevate themselves so this world is a better place (I speak for myself as well), but work on yourselves before you start dictating to others your interpretation of G-d’s word. Or find the source (from a sefer, not some loosely translated English novel) before you begin to preach.