Reply To: Tznius in brooklyn

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* as if she is in Vegas

* she can ask her sons not to look

* the torah says we have to look out for each other

* when a woman goes out improperly

* if she is NOT dressed as a Jewish woman should be

All good points, so let me adress each one, as they all boil down to the same answer:

By whose standards are we setting the bar? Did you know that many people feel that today’s fashion of shells over a long sleeve top are total pritzus? And there are people that feel if your wife does not wear honey colored # 70s, she is not dressed tzniusdig?

As far as looking out for one another, try this: Set an example, and have others follow you. But beware of a nasty side effect: If you dress like a rebbetzin, yet are less than 100% in your behavoir, you are possibly doing more damage than your flip-flop clad counterpart who is a real erlicheh person.