Reply To: Most Moving Jewish Song In Your View

Home Forums Music Most Moving Jewish Song In Your View Reply To: Most Moving Jewish Song In Your View

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rosh chabura, Boruch Levine is an awesome composer and singer. This does not mean that no one else is good. People have different tastes and like different things.

Does being a Rebbe of Yiddieshe Kinderlach make a person a better composer/singer?

Every person has his/her job in life. Shwekey does his thing. Gabay does his. And Levine does his. He may be a excellent Rebbe, but that doesn’t make him a better person then the next guy.

We are not judging people here, the thread is called Most Heartfelt Jewish Song In Your View. Most Heartfelt Jewish Song In Your View. Every person has their own VIEW.

And by the way, is Boruch Levine your cousin or something? Three posts praising him…