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Mods, I hope this is permitted. Reb Yitzchok Aron Fischer is in Monsey.
Some people use their pointer finger because of “etzba Elokim hu”.
By the way, other minhag differences (I think) may be that Yekkes are not makpid to have the chuppa under the stars and will also march the chosson/kallah to the chuppa mother/father and mother/father. In oberland, if an oberlander yid would do that, the Rav would refuse to be mesader kiddushin. It had to be mother/mother and father/father. I don’t think an oberlander would make a chuppa in a shul either. If my memory serves me right, that was one of the tekanos that had been instituted by the Ch’sam Sofer to combat the maskilim. I haven’t seen the takanos in a long time so I don’t really remember them. I THINK they may include no choirs during davening (compare to yekkes) and that the bima must be in the middle of the shul (not in the front). These tekanos were pretty much universally accepted in oberland.