Reply To: Differences between oberlandish and yekkish minhogim

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Differences between oberlandish and yekkish minhogim Reply To: Differences between oberlandish and yekkish minhogim


I know of yekkes who used to walk down mother/mother, father/father back in germany. The yekkes i know who made indoor Chupas made it in a hall that the roof opens(sort of like a built in succah).

The truth is the word ‘Yekke’ today means something very different from yrs ago. It used to mean the modern of German Jewry. which by definition would passel all their minhagim. Haskalla was the strongest in Germany and many left their minhagim, or at least changed it somewhat. As posted earlier, one of the changes was to cut their jackets resulting in the name ‘Yekke’. Not all jews in Germany cut their jacket or changed minhagim. If you want to know true old German Jews’ minhagim contact Rav Elyakim Schlesinger in London.

The Ch”S himself was from Frankfurt,Germaqny. That’s where his minhagim come from,(except the takonos he implemented against Haskala)

Other minhagim like gebraks, The Ch”S himself did and as far as i know most Oberland did but ‘Yekkes’ (like Schlesingers in London) do not cook or bake with gebroks, dip and eat they do.

But they’re from Hamburg not Frankfurt.