Reply To: Out Of The Mailbag: (Flatbush Kiddush: Tznius & Drinking Out Of Control)

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to all of you who think that drinking is not a huge problem in the frum velt you have your head in the sand. ever clean up after a kiddush or any simcha and count the finished bottles of shnaps and beer our heimeshe oilim goes through. we have become no better than the shikkurim who hang out in the bars.

It started with getting drunk on Purim at the rebbes house,carried over to getting high every Friday night in Yeshivas in Israel and ends up a member of the weekly kiddush club that needs help finding their way home after davenning.

I have complained to rabbonim, rosh yeshivas and askonim about the need to speak out about this terrible trend but it has fallen on deaf ears.

R”L we are waiting for an accident to happen before anyone important will say boo.

By the way, shame on those that spend $150 on a bottle of shnaps to show off to their friends and then drink it like a bunch of drunken sailors in front of their kids.