Reply To: Out Of The Mailbag: (Flatbush Kiddush: Tznius & Drinking Out Of Control)

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After reading previous posts I can PROUDLY say I’ve not seen anything like this in Wash Hghts or in KAJ k’hillo.There are Rabbonim there who are listened to by their congregants and members. Never will you see anyone get drunk at any of their simchos. And IF someone comes there non-tzniyus dressed,it is an outsider or a goy who wanted to wish the baal simcha congratulations.People come to daven in shul very decently dressed.Jackets and hats,and,even TIES ,long dresses and no flirting.It’s time for people to hire a real Rov,join a REAL kehillo-shul,and stop looking down on everyone that has different hashkofos. Less entertainment and more Torah and MUCH more derech eretz is very much needed.Wearing long black jackets,peyos and rebbishe hats,don’t make people more frum.The Rov should have special suit and hat, and the followers should have average but decent looking dress.