Reply To: Out Of The Mailbag: (Flatbush Kiddush: Tznius & Drinking Out Of Control)

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Out Of The Mailbag: (Flatbush Kiddush: Tznius & Drinking Out Of Control) Reply To: Out Of The Mailbag: (Flatbush Kiddush: Tznius & Drinking Out Of Control)


There is a post on this thread that I think says it EXACTLY like it is. It is by “thinking out loud” and it is towards the beginning of the thread. I dont know who wrote it, but everyone should read it and reread it and rereead it again. It is the fundamental problem facing Klal Yisrael’s younger generation today. They are so fed up of black and whites and everything shoved down their throats, that they are not getting the very basics of many fundamental concepts in Yahadus. When are we going to wake up and see that all these blanket Takanos at best have some following like blind, confused sheep? When will start empowering our kids to understand what they are doing and why? There is so much more to be said here…