Reply To: Out Of The Mailbag: (Flatbush Kiddush: Tznius & Drinking Out Of Control)

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I will thank you not to play the ‘spin card’!

When I said ‘sick…..’ I was referring to the manner in which you alluded a woman should stay in doors, even if mitzvohs require that she be out!

I still say that the shiur I heard from rav Twersky is as I rpeated it!

Is it possible that your not aware of everything?? Throwing around expressions like ‘absurd and am haaratzish’ is not just Gaavah(which btw, is something the ALMIGHTY hates) but it might fall into the category of ‘Hamalbin….(welll, you know what that leads to RL)

Choose your words carefully my friend, and make sure to get your facts straight before your choished someone of misinterperting anything(choised biksheirm, wow! I must say for someone who preaches how we should go about life here in order to achieve there, your not giving a very good example)

Thridly, if your intimidated by the knwoledge many woman have, it still doesnt give you areason to demean anyone with falsities!