Reply To: Divorce is Worse than a Difficult Marriage

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Well, it was fascinating to see at least four incarnations of Joseph (Englishman, Shlishi, Droid, and Joseph) create and defend his diatribe against divorce. Split personality? Or just trying to rile up good Jews? Who knows.

That said, even at a distance of 4 years from the original post, it is nonsense. It is absurd, it is hurtful to those who don’t share Joseph’s ignorance of the matter and those who have experienced the painful circumstances firsthand.

It seems that the coarseness of public discourse that Donald Trump has brought to the political process was anticipated by Joseph years ago. Who are you, who has no experience in the matter, to call it criminal, as you did? Who are you to judge? Your opinion is hanging like a bright autumn leaf on a solitary tree. Soon it falls, and crumbles to dust, and, as the tfilo says, Kachalom yauf.

Divorce is not desirable. If there is any constructive way to avoid it, to return the relationship from the brink, that should be tried. If there is any way to heal the relationship, it must be given some time to see if it works. But what the irresponsible OP known as Joseph and many other names doesn’t know, because he has no experience, is how a relationship that is broken and where both parties haven’t invested in fixing it or have ultimately found it unfixable, poisons the life of both parties, the kids, the grandparents, and the circle of friends and family. Life in a miserable marriage is THE most unhealthy circumstance for ALL.

I’ve BH encountered many Rabbonim -chariedi, MO, and others, who utterly reject Joseph’s characterization of divorce when necessary, and who have demonstrated a compassion and kovod habriyos that he seems patently incapable of emulating.

Criminal? only in the clouded mind of a poster who could wear terms like foolish, antagonistic, robotic, plagiarizing, judgmental, hateful and ignorant as readily as he wears so many fake identities.

To paraphrase a well known Author, You know nothing, Joseph.