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“Besides the utter chilul HaShem, “

Please Al Todin Es Chavercha Ad Shetagia Limkomo!

Each person has their inner struggles and issues.

I would say that inappropriate behavior is indicative of some kind of inner struggle.(big or small)

Also call this an “utter chilul HaShem” may just be you projecting your feelings on him.

what did he gain in Eretz Yisroel?

Lchoira this is called “All or nothing thinking”. What do you mean what did he gain?

However long he was there?!

Sheva Yipol Tzadik Vkom!

If Chas V’Shalom the Yetzer Hora gets someone to do an aveira, all his Mitzvos are thrown out the window???

I once heard in the name of a Tzadik (could be R’ Nachman M’Breslev) that it is Atzas Hayeitzer that after a person does an aveira he should feel so bad, hopeless and worthless that he could think, “Oy what am I worth any way.” R”L

The ikkar is to get back up , do Tshuva and keep going.

Sitting on an airplane shoulder to shoulder with many people in your Daled Amos is certainly not the place to give Musser to someone you don’t know but What would’ve happened if you tapped him on the shoulder and asked him an innocent question?

“excuse me do you have change of a dollar? Where is the nearest Shul to the airport? Which way is Mizrach? Oh I think you look familiar did you once go to a Bungalow Colony? Etc.”

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