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Home Forums Controversial Topics Is anti-Zionism the sin of the spies? Reply To: Is anti-Zionism the sin of the spies?

Avi K


1.If they had power they could write and pass a halachic constitution. However, IMHO they are very happy being the state’s grandfathers

(??”? = ????? ??? ??????). In fact, a Chareidi rav told me explicitly that they would not know how to run the state. However, we in the RZ sector are not sleeping. The Ministry of Justice has a section on Jewish law headed by the RZ Dr. Michael Vigoda, the Knesset has an adviser on Jewish law who has “yadin yadin”as well as an LLM and iy”H on the 26th of Nissan there will be an erev iyun in Yerushalayim on running the economy according to Torah.

2. Achav was much worse than any Israeli PM and he had the din of a king (Sanhedrin 20b Tosafot d”h melech muttar).

MW, I follow the Ramban, Rav Avraham Shapira and Rav Mordechai Eliahu that conquering EY is a milchemet mitzva in our time. In any case, land for peace is a delusion. Chacham Ovadia even admitted this in his essay on the subject. Interestingly, when I was in elementary school we had to take an annual standardized exam called the Iowa test (it was developed by the College of Education of the University of Iowa). One question davka involved an Arab. He was sitting in his tent when his camel asked if he would put his nose in as it was cold in the desert night. At the end of the story the Arab was outside and the camel was inside. The moral of the story was “give him an inch and he will take a mile”.

I would, however, declare an end to the struggle in exchange for lands they are occupying.


1. The Tanach is Zionist propaganda?

2. Actually, southwestern Turkey is part of the land promised to Avraham Avinu so they should give it to us.