Reply To: Can't Eat By In-Laws Who Eat Gebrochts on Pesach

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☕ DaasYochid ☕

Someone whose mihhag is to not eat gebrokts doesn’t have misplaced priorities if he won’t eat gebrokts.

It wouldn’t even matter to me if it was an optional chumra, but for them it isn’t.

It’s not about misplaced priorities; it’s about respecting others’ minhagim instead of making up bogus reasons why people minding their own business keeping their family minhagim are somehow hurting others.

As I’ve said, I eat gebrokts, and I see no reason to stop, but those who don’t, don’t. I simply can’t fathom being so obsessed with others’ minhagim which are stricter than my own as to figure out how I can possibly turn their minhag into a selfish thing.