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🍫Syag Lchochma

Thank you for the undeserved but kind words.

or “motivated by the yetzer harah.”

I can’t think this was something to make light of, sorry

or actually lauded.


no argument persists between mw and Syag because I feel like we’re all really on the same side.

no argument persists unless one of us persists arguing. so i guess the answer is no. but i dont know what side you think we are both on, im not on any side

given the vitriol that’s been thrown out against a respectable minhag

yes, unfortunately the one who threw out the vitriol was dropped for sport shooting. But that will be disagreed with and start a whole nother mess so i wasnt bothering with it. im only saying it because you sound sincere and it really bothers me when we lose our perspective of how to respond in the name of defending Torah.

I don’t believe anyone is defending Torah unless they are clear that that is what they are doing. Sarcastic jokes and remarks toward a PERSON who made a heretical remark is not the same as defending Torah. But i have said this a million times and its invisible. then i get falsely accused of siding with the person im defending because its so hard for some people to see the difference. and in ten minutes ill probably be sorry i said it again because if people cant ‘hear’ what you are saying, i probably am wrong for trying.