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Little Froggie

Oomis, same here, we’re all sad it want to quickly. I mean, after all the preparations and cleaning… y’know, we’d like a chance to savor it a bit more…

As far as the lines of the utterly famished craving masses.. it doesn’t sit well with me.. I’m not to judge anyone, but.. so many of us.. with such a CRAVING.. to wait on line.. out the doors?!? That’s what our fathers did years ago, when they were craving life itself!! Isn’t that a bit too much?!?!? It’s certainly no mitzvah to eat matzah after Pesach.. but a bit of longing.. contemplating.. lingering echoes of this most beautiful Yom Tov. To dash out for a mouthful of chamezt? Isn’t it a bit like the ones who are going to run out of their Sukkah and kick it down?