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PBA: What can I say? I (sort of) disagree with your contention that the 613 are inculcating Middos Tovos. They are because HKBH commanded us to, and whatever Middos Tovos come out of those are tangential. If one does Shiluach HaKen without learning Rachmanus, he has not missed the point. (This is by Adam L’Makoms. It’s a Machlokes whether the same principle holds for Adam L’Chaveiros.) Mah She’ein Kein by a Goy. For a Goy, it’s only having the Middos that matter. If he can learn it without doing any of the Mitzvos he is not obligated in, great. Because all he has to do is be a good person. But practicing Achzariyus is still bad for him and will not help him get to that point of being a good person. It might not be Assur. But it’s just not a good idea. Same with the Jew practicing non-Assur ways of Achzariyus.