Reply To: Gee thanks, anti-vaxxers

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Avram in MD -“No that’s an unrealistic analogy. I wouldn’t give a bakery my wife’s recipe, but I might sell it to them.”

And what would the Baker do with the recipe?

He’d put it in the suggestion box, aka the garbage!

“Wow, what a mindset. If I tell my doctor that I want to space out vaccinations, I am not overstepping any boundary whatsoever. I’m not telling the doctor what to do, the doctor is telling me what he thinks I should do, and I am responding to him. I am making decisions about my own family. And that is not only my right, it is my obligation.”

That’s your obligation and his obligation is to do what he thinks is right!

If you think you know better about vaccination scheduling, you have the option of going elsewhere!

“How far do you take this deification of medical professionals? If I see a doctor about to make a medical mistake (wrong medication, about to saw off the wrong arm, whatever), do you think I should remain quiet, because I have no right to tell medical professionals what to do?!? Ridiculous.”

Your comparison to medical mistakes is ridiculous! Oh, that’s right you know better about vaccines, then some old – fashioned doctor!