Reply To: Women Driving

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Some customs are clearly incompatible with each other. Women not driving and men in Kollel is impossible, unless they have a huge trust fund.

Communities in which women do not drive are those in which they never started driving and men are expected to provide the total family income and run all errands needing a car.

Nothing will push people away from keeping Torah and Mitzvos more than pushing impossible ideals.

Chassidic customs were intended to draw people towards Judaism, not create impractical barriers to living.

A woman who actually drives will feel “jailed” if she is suddenly told that she can no longer drive.

If the hardliners are triumphant and impose a full raft of impractical Chumros (stringencies), we will have a breakaway from Judaism (G-d forbid) worse than the Haskalah triggered breakaway 150 years ago in Europe.