Reply To: Words from an ex IDF solider for Yom HaZikaron

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Words from an ex IDF solider for Yom HaZikaron Reply To: Words from an ex IDF solider for Yom HaZikaron


The Zionists were complicit with the Nazis in the murder of European Jewry. Read about Head Hungarian Zionist Rudolf Kastner’s complicity with Nazi Adolf Eichmann in having Hungarian Jewry lead to the gas chambers. Or how the Zionists impeded the trucks-deal that could have saved Jewish lives from the Nazis. Or when Weitzman said one cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jewish lives in Europe.

The local Arabs didn’t rise up against Jewish immigration to Palestine until the Zionists made clear they wanted to take political control of Palestine. That is what lead to the 1929 massacre and other atrocities.