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day after day, wow, that’s heavy stuff… I’m unsure what to say. I’m so sorry for your loss and the seeming unfairness of not getting the chance to get the most out of the relationship. I hope you have people you can rely on to help fill that void. But besides people, filling that void is best done with G-d. G-d is always there for us, ready to put His arm around us. We should try our best to believe that He does only good, and though many things seem to us not good, and we think G-d is unfair, that isn’t true. G-d always knows what is best for us, and gives us the opportunity to reach our potential by putting us in situations where He knows our potential can be really be reached. Please stay strong, and continue writing!

Think first, that is a wonderful poem, and so true! Thinking about those things during our everyday lives can help give us meaning, purpose, and fulfillment. We can all grow in this area. Thanks for writing it!

blaba, that is remarkable imagery! But think about it this way: Although the sun and its warm rays may be blocked by the dark clouds, it is still there. The warm and light is never gone. We may not see it because our vision of it is blocked by dark clouds, but it is always there. And clouds always move, so we will get the warm and light if we stick around. And the same goes for dealing with tough times. We may have difficulties and stress that we deal with, but if we can get through it, and stick around long enough, all that hard work will pay off when we get the opportunity to rejoice in the warmth and light that G-d gives us, and that warmth and light lasts forever.