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blabla, please, please keep in mind that you aren’t alone! All of us here care about you so much. We are praying for things to only get better for you. And even if things aren’t getting better right now, please don’t give up. Giving up is letting the pain win. Please don’t let the pain win! You are in control, not your pain! We can’t possibly know why G-d continues to do things that are seemingly always bad, but if these things are happening, we have to understand a few things: That we are capable of overcoming them, that they are there to make us stronger, and that G-d is doing it out of love.

For me, growing up, I went through a stage where I felt my existence wasn’t worth anything, and that I’d be better off dead than alive. And that lasted quite a few years. I got through it because I believed that if G-d gave me such hardships, it meant that I can overcome them and that they were there to help me grow to become the best person I can be. It was all about how I looked at it. And looking back, I am so happy I stayed alive during that period, because I see now how it really helped. And you know what, even if now, I wouldn’t have seen how it helped, I’d know that there will be a time when I WILL understand why it had to happen, and that if I cut my life short, it means I wasn’t able to handle it and chose to not have complete faith that it was best for me. So please, for your sake (and for all our sakes here in this thread, since we all care about you so much), continue to push forward, keep in mind that G-d is doing all this because He loves you. G-d never hates you. Believe me, I’ve had many times in my life when I was absolutely sure that G-d hated me. But all that did was make my troubles even worse and less bearable. And worst of all, it wasn’t true. G-d loves all of us.

Sorry for the long post, I just can’t bear to think that you’re giving up. We all care about you here, and love you, and want things to only get better.

SaysMe, I’m so sorry things aren’t doing better for you. I am praying for your well-being, and I hope the hurt and insults fade away quickly. We all care so much about you here, and want things to only be good for you.

PE, hi! Good to see you back here.