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Hi!!! I’m in the midst of being busy 😉 wanted to just say hi and thinking of you all here…

SaysMe, just quickly read your poem on page 20. You write so well!! How are you?? T.O.Y!! I hope it’s only got better. I love how you express that you want to give as well as take… you talk of “mending your ways”, and of being ashamed, and of wanting connection with G-d again, – i hope you aren’t still feeling like that. Assuming you’re talking of something in particular, firstly, whatever a person has done – he can always return. REGARDLESS of how far he’s gone. We don’t make “bad” mistakes, we only make “not great” mistakes – there’s a difference. We can learn from them and become better and stronger from them. I wish you all the luck in the world!!!

Shticky Guy – i like your poem, and i like your point. I also see the other side , both are right i suppose.

Batseven, lol.

Middlepath – thanks for the shout! It’s appreciated! How are you?

S2021 ;( 🙁

Puppy – hey, hi!

NoOneMournsTheWicked – hello again!

Kapusta – how are you?

Blabla, you seem to have matured since 😉 keep going and keep growing!

ThinkFirst, sounds great.