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Hey everyone, and welcome Luna Lovegood – your writing seems good! and shopping 613!

Haven’t time to catch up all i’ve missed, but just saying hi to you all!

Think First, happen to see this comment you posted,

“PrincessEagle- we always appreciate you coming by and saying hi.”

you know what, i used to live here but now i’ve gone to live in the real world.. I miss you all though!

Blabla, how are you doing? Middlepath! thanks for your shout, always appreciate it, hope you’re okay….

Puppy, welcome back here too 😉

SaysMe!! Just happened to see s1 comment about music – i asked about it, and was told to rather listen to real music than cappella.. if it’s nec. you can often get a psak to listen.

There’s so much pain in this place! i’m sorry, i wish i could make it better to you all! Apparently the yitti liebel helpline is meant to be a good place to turn to.. thinkin’ of you all and hope things will turn out good…. try to keep holding on to the hope that things will get better, and to the faith that you (must!!) have in yourself, and the faith that G-d has in you (Modeh Ani … Rabba Emunoscha). Miss ya all!