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write or wrong-firstly, it is very important that your husband be on board; simply “keeping peace” may not be enough. However, it is also very important not to get into arguments with your husband about being on board, that will just create another difficult situation for you and make curing your child almost impossible. Problems with children often create problems in marriage, so let’s avoid that 🙂

secondly, it is not enough to “SEE” your son as being sick. I’m sorry to break it to you but your son REALLY IS sick. The cure will be much more effective when you’re not treating this like an exercise or an experiment.

I’m sorry if I sound a little harsh, but there is nothing more serious than the welfare of our children, right?

OK, once we’ve established that we may be able to take the next step, which is PROVING to your child that you accept him/her. To do that, you and your husband will need to do some things that you will almost definitely be uncomfortable with. So, before moving on, make sure your husband is on board.