Reply To: Going off the Derech

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WOW, if I may just add one word of advice. I found that if you ignore those posters who just choose to pick, either they will go away on their own because you have NOT engaged with them or others will ask them to leave.

You do have the choice to answer or to not answer. You do have the choice to work with those who you feel are truly working with you and offering you the kind of support you need and ignore those who are just trying to stir the pot. If a poster starts asking “WOW, why aren’t you answering my questions?” someone will eventually answer them, that she doesn’t have to, she already had this discussion with someone else, read the entire thread, or she came here for chizuk, not for a third degree.” YOU are NOT obligated to answer every poster on this thread, although you have been extremely gracious in trying to do just that.

I wish you and your entire family much hatzlocha during this trying time and in the future.