Reply To: Going off the Derech

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Nobody can give answers to these people because there really are no answers. Yes someone may have nice words which may or may not touch someone’s heart, but the truth is, we don’t know about G-d, about suffering, we don’t have answers. Then again there are different sort of questions, such as, should we go to the movies, should we do this or eat that, etc. To those, we do know the answers, and in great detail, and even if we don’t, it’s easy to ask a question and be answered and then do as we are told. If someone has decided they do not want to live like that, and are seeking to rationalize it intellectually, say by questioning G-d or similar philosophical questions (which, if genuine, are no reason to loosen observance) you can not help nor can any rabbi in the world. We are taught to avoid such people.